
Prevalence of cardiac abnormalities in male and female college athletes when exposed to physiological and thermal stressors.


To my advisor, Dr. Kingsley. Your constant support and guidance is something that I cannot thank you enough for. It has truly given me a passion to continue in this line of research and without your ongoing encouragement, I would not have made it this far. Thank you. To my committee, Dr. Finch, Dr. Kuhlman, and Dr. Yeargin. Your seemingly endless stream of advice and feedback has been invaluable, and has led me to a body of work that I can be proud of. I can‟t thank you all enough. To my parents. Thank you for providing me the opportunity to be here in the first place. It is your continued and unwavering support that has allowed me to accomplish my goals while being so far from home. I will be forever grateful. To my brother, Gaven. Thank you for being there for me whenever I needed someone to talk to, in spite of having to cope with everything you and Rhonda have been through the last year. You‟ve been an inspiration. Kia kaha. To Ashley. Thank you for putting up with me through this whole process. How you deal with my constant over analyzing is beyond me, but nevertheless, I couldn‟t have done this without you by my side. To my fellow students who helped me along the way. I can‟t thank you guys enough for helping me get to this point, even if it was only by doing something seemingly small. Every little bit of help I received was invaluable, and I thank you all for giving up your time to help out one of your own.Matthew A. TuckerKingsley, J.DerekFinch, AlfredKuhlman, JolynnYeargin, Susan WMaster of ArtsDepartment of Physical EducationCunningham Memorial library, Terre Haute,Indiana State UniversityILL-ETD-085MastersTitle from document title page. Document formatted into pages: contains 93 p.: ill. Includes abstract and appendi

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