Register allocation issues in embedded code generation


In conventional compilation, register allocation—the mapping of program variables to the registers of the target architecture—plays an important role in the performance of application code. In particular, for load/store architectures, good register allocation is exceedingly important as all operands to instructions, in this type of architecture, must be contained within the register set.Typical processors selected as the core unit or core processor for an embedded system closely resemble the load/store or RISC-type of architecture, and, thus, conventional register allocation techniques are applicable in the generation of code for an embedded processor. However, architectural features of the core processor, features designed to reduce core size/cost and/or are specific to the target application area for improved performance—such as disjoint register files and/or requirements that operands to particular instructions reside in specialized registers—complicate the register allocation process. This, coupled with the time-sensitive nature of typical embedded applications necessitates high-quality register allocation.[...

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