Launching the CUBE: a restorative approach to a co-produced community centre


CUBE is a new multi-agency family support community-based service in one Welsh local authority area. CUBE delivers an evidenced-based, co-productive intensive family support service to and for the community it serves. The nature of the services offered were identified by a lengthy consultation with the community that indicated what they wanted: • A place to help families in need or affected by isolation or loneliness • A place where support is under one roof, rather family members using different services • Activities for community members of all ages run in day and evenings • A place offering support / information or just a coffee that runs beyond working hours • A place where everyone can feel a part of something. In-line with the co-production ethos of CUBE, the developers have adopted a restorative approach for all staff, partner agencies and clients and see this as central to successful implementation. During this project, researchers with deep knowledge of a Restorative Approach and Co-production worked with CUBE to ensure that co-productive and restorative approaches shaped the services and centre as intended

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