Immersive Authoring of 360 Degree Interactive Applications


Although there are proposals in the literature for authoring mulsemedia (mul tiple se nsorial media) applications with 2D content, there are no suitable solutions when it comes to 360° content. Moreover, little consensus on 360° mulsemedia authoring methodology exists. Aiming at filling this gap, we propose the concept of immersive authoring of 360° multisensory applications. Our proposal comprises an immersive 360° authoring environment to bring the author closer to the final user presentation environment. We implemented our proposal in AMUSEVR, a virtual-reality (VR) environment for authoring 360° mulsemedia applications. We see it as an alternative or a possible complement to available 2D mulsemedia authoring tools. AMUSEVR provides creation and editing of interactive multiple sensorial media scenes by directly arranging objects in a 3D space using VR technology. Also, the tool allows users to run their applications through AMUSEVR viewer mode. We used the Goal Question Metric (GQM) approach to plan our tests and a group of users evaluated the tool with the SUS and UEQ questionnaires, obtaining a SUS score of 82.25 and an excellent UEQ benchmark, which are very promising results.10.13039/501100002322-Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq), Carlos Chagas Filho Foundation for Research Support in the State of Rio de Janeiro (FAPERJ), Coordination for the Improvement of Higher Education Personnel (CAPES), and Program for Institutional Internationalization (CAPES PrInt

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