Operator theory on generalized Hartogs triangles


We consider the family P\mathcal P of nn-tuples PP consisting of polynomials P1,…,PnP_1, \ldots, P_n with nonnegative coefficients which satisfy βˆ‚iPj(0)=Ξ΄i,j,\partial_i P_j(0) = \delta_{i, j}, i,j=1,…,n.i, j=1, \ldots, n. With any such P,P, we associate a Reinhardt domain β–³P ⁣n\triangle^{\!n}_{_P} that we will call the generalized Hartogs triangle. We are particularly interested in the choices Pa=(P1,a,…,Pn,a),P_a = (P_{1, a}, \ldots, P_{n, a}), aβ‰₯0,a \geq 0, where Pj,a(z)=zj+a∏k=1nzk,Β j=1,…,n.P_{j, a}(z) = z_j + a \prod_{k=1}^n z_k,~ j=1, \ldots, n. The generalized Hartogs triangle associated with PaP_a is given by \begin{equation} \triangle^{\!n}_a = \Big\{z \in \mathbb C \times \mathbb C^{n-1}_* : |z_j|^2 < |z_{j+1}|^2(1-a|z_1|^2), ~j=1, \ldots, n-1, |z_n|^2 + a|z_1|^2 < 1\Big\}. \end{equation} The domain β–³P ⁣n,\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}, nβ‰₯2n \geq 2 is never polynomially convex. However, β–³P ⁣n\triangle^{\!n}_{_P} is always holomorphically convex. With any P∈PP \in \mathcal P and m∈Nn,m \in \mathbb N^n, we associate a positive semi-definite kernel KP,m\mathscr K_{_{P, m}} on β–³P ⁣n.\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}. This combined with the Moore's theorem yields a reproducing kernel Hilbert space Hm2(β–³P ⁣n)\mathscr H^2_m(\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}) of holomorphic functions on β–³P ⁣n.\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}. We study the space Hm2(β–³P ⁣n)\mathscr H^2_m(\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}) and the multiplication nn-tuple Mz\mathscr M_z acting on Hm2(β–³P ⁣n).\mathscr H^2_m(\triangle^{\!n}_{_P}). It turns out that Mz\mathscr M_z is never rationally cyclic. Although the dimension of the joint kernel of Mzβˆ—βˆ’Ξ»\mathscr M^*_z-\lambda is constant of value 11 for every Ξ»βˆˆβ–³P ⁣n\lambda \in \triangle^{\!n}_{_P}, it has jump discontinuity at the serious singularity 00 of the boundary of β–³P ⁣n\triangle^{\!n}_{_P} with value equal to ∞.\infty. We capitalize on the notion of joint subnormality to define a Hardy space on β–³0 ⁣n.\triangle^{\!n}_{_0}. This in turn gives an analog of the von Neumann's inequality for β–³0 ⁣n.\triangle^{\!n}_{_0}.Comment: Revised version with a figure; 42 page

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