

生態體系具有動態變化之特性, 因此了解其變遷過程以制定適當的保 育政策,為維持整個生態系統生物多 樣性的基礎;然森林生態系係由林中 之動物、植物及其生存之環境所共同 組成,故其發展自必有干擾因子存 在,而探討此等干擾因子之作用程度 與影響範圍,又當為研究森林生態系 變遷及經營管理所不容忽視之重要課 題。 本研究首先整理前人研究結果與 現場調查資料以研判影響南仁山生態 保護區植群社會發展之機制;次將南 仁山區域1976、1989、1997 三年度航 空照片判釋、分類、數化、建檔後, 以Shannon 多樣性指數探究各影響機 制干擾區與非干擾區之地景生態系統 變化,並藉由t 測驗檢定其間差異;最 後由檢測結果探討該保護區經營管理 之相關課題。 研究結果顯示,水份因子、東北 季風等自然因素,以及道路開發、人 工造林、邊緣效應等人為因素,均確 實為影響南仁山生態保護區植群社會 發展之機制,而由地景變遷之t 檢定結 果顯示,保護區之成立對於不同干擾 因子之效用並不相同。就經營管理面 而言,影響其生態體系發展的天然因 素長久以來便已存在,當可視為一恆 定之常態因素,故其因應之道僅需避 免對脆弱地帶造成破壞即可;而人為 干擾則需視干擾程度與影響範圍之不 同分別研擬經營策略。A dynamic ecosystem is compose of animal, plant, and environment. In order to keep the biodiversity and make the strategy of management, it is essential for understanding vegetation succession. In a dynamic ecosystem, there are many disturbed factors, so to know where and how they work are the most important things for understanding vegetation succession. In this study, disturbed factors of vegetation society are decided by references and survey data, land cover types at Nanjenshan ecological reserve were interpreted from aerial photos of 1976, 1989, and 1997. Those classified digital data were used to derive Shannon diversity index for mining the dynamics change of landscape ecosystem in different disturbed factor. T-test was applied to detect the landscape differentiability between every two periods. Results of this study show that the moisture, northeaster monsoon, road establishment, afforestation, and human exploitation are actually the disturbed factors of vegetation society. The Nanjenshan ecological reserve is effective in tending to a stable high-density forest vegetation society, but the administrative department should make proper starages for the distubed factors individually

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