
The free license codes as decision support system (DSS) for the emergency planning to simulate radioactive releases in case of accidents in the new generation energy plants


The radiological risk is related to a wide range of activities, beginning with the medical and military ones and including those connected to the industrial and research activities such as nuclear fusion. A valid tool to predict the consequences of the accidents and reduce the risk is represented by computing systems that allow modeling the evolution of a possible release of radioactive materials over time and space. In addition to proprietary codes there are free license codes, like Hot-Spot, that allow providing a set of tools to simulate diffusion in case of accidents involving radioactive materials and analyze the safety and security of the facilities in which the radioactive material is manipulated. The case studies scenario’s consists in two simulations accidents scenario the first to biomass plant and the second at nuclear fission plant. The simulation of the radioactive contamination have been conducted with the code HOT SPOT, a free license code. The results of the simulation and data discussion will be presented in this work by the authors

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