
La presbiacusia. problematiche, diagnosi e opzioni riabilitative Presbycusis. problems, diagnosis and treatment


Presbycusis is sensorineural bilateral symmetrical, progressive hearing loss, caused by the advance of age. It involves mainly the higher frequencies and associated with tinnitus. Presbycusis the most frequent form of sensorineural hearing loss of the adult, characterized by the progressive difficulty following the conversation, especially in noisy environments. It is caused by reduction in the number of Corti cells, induced by genetic and environmental factors. In the elderly communication disorders generate isolation and depression, thereby causing a significant reduction of life quality. An observational study at our hospital in 2010, using questionnaires on verbal-acoustic communication (Self Assessment of Communication), found that older people have a poor perception of disability related to hearing loss. For presbycusis to be diagnosed, tone audiometry and speech and sovraliminary tests have to be carried out and must be integrated with the evaluation of extremely high frequencies (EHFs). In the majority of cases, rehabilitation involves conventional hearing aids. The most commonly used are retroauricular hearing aids, when these are contraindicated partially or totally implantable hearing device scan be used. Careful follow up of the patient is also fundamental, using benefit questionnaires to find the optimal fitting and therefore the best result

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