Preparation and clinical application of immuno-magnetic latex


在最近十年內,周邊造血幹細胞的移 植,廣泛地應用於癌症的治療。異體移植 可以用來解決不同的的血液疾病,自體移 植對於高劑量化療的病患,可以加速病患 骨髓的回復,防止感染或出血的併發症發 生。但是自體移植總有癌細胞污染之疑 慮,而異體移植亦有移植物抗宿主病的難 題。所以,選取CD34+細胞作為移植可能 可以避免上述兩項移植的缺點而達到更好 的效果。在一般商業化選取CD34+細胞是 利用磁場分離(magnetic cells sorting)。但是 MACS 所使用的帶有anti-CD34 單株抗體 的免疫磁性乳膠顆粒是非常貴的。每處理 一次約需20 萬台幣。我們嘗試利用我們自 製的免疫磁性乳膠顆粒上的COOH 官能基 鍵結anti-CD34 單株抗體,去做相同純化的 療程。我們相信自製的免疫磁性乳膠顆粒 會較便宜,病人也能夠負擔得起。我們希 望此技術能夠進行,而且期待可以推廣至 其他負向選取(negative selection),例如接 枝anti-CD4 或anti-CD8 去移除CD4+ 細 胞或CD8+細胞,用來治療一些自體免疫方 面的疾病。Peripheral blood stem cell transplantation (PBSCT) is widely used in this decade for cancer treatment. Allogeneic setting can be used for various blood diseases and autologous setting may be benefit for solid tumors as a rescue after high-dose chemotherapy to accelerate the bone marrow recovery and prevent the infections or bleeding complications. But, possibility of tumor cells contamination is a pitfall of autologous PBSCT while increased incidence of graft vs. host disease may decrease the successful rate in allogeneic PBSCT. So, CD34+ cells selection will solve the above problems. The commonly used and commercially available method of CD34+ cells selection is magnetic cells sorting. But the beads with anti-CD34+ monoclonal antibodies are rather expensive. It needs 200,000 NT per procedure. So, We try to bind anti-CD34 to our homemade magnetic beads using –COOH bounding in order to do the same purging procedure. We do believe the homemade price will be rather cheap and can be afforded by patients themselves. We hope this technique will work and it can be expanded to other negative selection such as anti-CD34 or anti-CD8 to remove CD4+ or CD8+ cells in order to treat some antoimmune diseases

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