A DC Location Model for global SCM in IPC industry


摘要 當企業規劃全球配送中心的地點選擇時,常常僅考慮地區性內的因素,如當地勞工成本、交通環境、建置配送中心成本等等,並沒有探討其對於整體供應鏈的影響,這樣可能會造成了供應鏈個體最適化而非總體最適化。基於問題對於不同產業的重要性存在著差異,學者們曾利用模型最適化的方法來解決問題。本研究針對於工業電腦產業特性,企圖建構一個符合工業電腦產業特性的全球配送中心規劃模型。 對於工業電腦產品需求特性來說,需求變異大的特色使得安全庫存為重要考慮之因素,針對工業電腦產業的產品特性,配合其變動需求大,產品價值高的特色,建構的混合整數規劃模型,並考慮其運送頻率、運送方式、運送時間及多項成本,如運送成本、持有成本、存貨成本、建置成本、課稅成本等。 本研究利用i-Log軟體對於模型求解,並可以得到最適化配送中心的數量及位置,以及各個產品群的運送方式及路徑。同時也針對海空運價差、客戶服務水準等重要因素進行敏感度分析。企業透過本研究之模型,得到最適的配送中心位置、運送方式及運送路徑,使得整體物流總成本降低,發揮供應鏈的最佳效益。從結果也可以了解到持有成本與空運成本的權衡關係。使得當企業對於低價值、需求變異小、重量較重的產品可能進行海運配送。而其他高價值,需求變異大、重量較輕的產品可能考慮進行空運運送。Abstracthen choosing a location of distribution center, most practice only consider about the local factors, such as labor cost, traffic environment, development cost and so on, but seldom discuss the impact on global supply chain regarding. However, it’s not a globally optimal situation. Therefore, scholars formulate the problem as an mathematic models to find the global optimal location based on the practice of different industries. This research aims at the practice of industrial computer industry, to construct a mix-integer linear programming(MILP) model for locating DCs globally. Regarding the characteristic of product demand in industrial computer industry, the variation is relative high, such that safety stock plays an important role when the structure of supply chain network is planned. After reviewing scholar''s past research, in views of the industrial computer industry’s product characteristics, include larger demand variation, and higher product value and so on, an mix integer programming model (MILP model) was constructed. Which shipment frequency, shipping modes, shipping time and relative costs, including transportation cost, carrying cost, inventory cost, development cost, duty cost, are considered. This research uses the i-Log software to solve the MILP model, the approximate optimal solution from the model, which is obtained the best distribution center location, the optimal shipping quantity of the routes, as well as the appropriate shipping mode for each product are identified. Also, the important factors, such as the difference of fare between air and water and the customer’s service level, are analyzed using sensitivity analysis. By utilizing the optima shipping the model of this research, the firm can reduce total logistic cost, and obtains the best distribution center location, shipping mode, and shipping routes. The enterprise can also learn a lesson from the tradeoff between carrying cost and transportation cost.目錄 I目錄 III目錄 IV一章 緒論 1.1 研究背景與動機 11.2 研究目的 31.3 研究架構 41.4 論文架構 5二章 文獻探討 6 2.1 全球供應鏈管理 6 2.2 庫存管理 8 2.3 策略性的供應鏈規劃模型 9三章 模型建立與求解 12 3.1 模型情境說明 12 3.2 模型建立 15四章 情境分析 22 4.1 A公司現況與資料敘述 22 4.2 情境分析 32 4.3 敏感度分析 37 4.4 運送方式比較 42 4.5 管理意涵 43五章 結論與未來研究方向 44 5.1 研究結論 44 5.2 研究貢獻 45 5.3 研究限制 46 5.4 未來研究方向 47考文獻 4

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