Aesthetic potential of human-computer interaction in performing arts


Human-computer interaction (HCI) is a multidisciplinary area that studies the communication between users and computers. In this thesis, we want to examine if and how HCI when incorporated into staged performances can generate new possibilities for artistic expression on stage. We define and study four areas of technology-enhanced performance that were strongly influenced by HCI techniques: multimedia expression, body representation, body augmentation and interactive environments. We trace relevant artistic practices that contributed to the exploration of these topics and then present new forms of creative expression that emerged after the incorporation of HCI techniques. We present and discuss novel practices like: performer and the media as one responsive entity, real-time control of virtual characters, on-body projections, body augmentation through humanmachine systems and interactive stage design. The thesis concludes by showing some concrete examples of these novel practices implemented in performance pieces. We present and discuss technologyaugmented dance pieces developed during this master’s degree. We also present a software tool for aesthetic visualisation of movement data and discuss its application in video creation, staged performances and interactive installations

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