Croatian National Committee World Petroleum Council, Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts-Scientific Council for Petroleum
Močivost igra važnu ulogu u početnoj distribuciji fluida, gibanju fluida, kao i pri istiskivanju jednog fluida drugim fluidom unutar ležišta. Močivost ležišta može se kretati u rasponu od ekstremno hidrofilnog do ekstremno hidrofobnog. U času otkrića ležišta močivost u pojedinim dijelovima može biti različita i može se mijenjati tijekom vremena. Da bismo pravilno shvatili ponašanje procesa istiskivanja nafte vrlo je važno razumjeti koji tip močivosti djeluje u ležištu kako bismo optimizirali nadzor ležišta.Wettability plays a significant role in the initial distribution of fluids, movement of fluids and as well as the displacement of one fluid by another, within the reservoir. Reservoirs wettability can range from extremely water-wet to extremely oil-wet. Wettability might be different in different parts of the reservoir at the time of discovery and can even change with the passage of time. So to properly understand the displacement behavior within the reservoir proper understanding of the type of wettability existing within a reservoir is very important, for optimized reservoir surveillance