Analysis of the Town Planning, Communal and Building Rules in the Medieval Statute of the Town of Ilok from 1525*


U radu se analiziraju statutarne odredbe s područja urbanističkoga i građevinskog zakonodavstva koje su mogle utjecati na način izgradnje i urbanog oblikovanja srednjovjekovnog Iloka. Zanimljivi su protupožarni propisi, pravila o pozicioniranju kuća prema ulici i susjedima, obveza održavanja zgrada, pitanja odvodnje, gradske čistoće i razne sanitarno-higijenske mjere. Tesarima i kamenarima propisuju se odredbe o sigurnosti gradnje. Statut donosi podatke o različitim javnim zgradama i gradskim prostorima, te o prirodnom okolišu i socijalnoj slici Iloka.The authors analyses how the Ilok Town Statute regulates town planning and construction, which affected the way of building and urban layout of medieval Ilok. There are interesting fire-defence regulations, rules about how houses should be located in relation to the street and neighbours, the obligation to maintain buildings, regulations about sewerage, keeping the town clean and various sanitation and hygienic measures. Carpenters and stonemasons had to obey regulations about building security. The Statute includes data about various public buildings and areas in the town, and about the natural environment and social picture of Ilok

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