Nematodes harmful to strawberries


Od četrdesetak vrsta biljnoparazitskih nematoda štetnih na jagodi, najčešće vrste nematoda koje u nas čine štete jesu Aphelenchoides fragariae i Meloidogyne hapla. Vrsta A. fragariae parazitacijom uzrokuje uvijenost i naboranost listova, zastoj u razvoju biljke, slabije razvijanje plodova i sniženje prinosa jagode do 60 %. Uz poštivanje plodoreda i sadnju zdravoga sadnog materijala, važnu ulogu u sprječavanju širenja toga štetnika ima potapanje presadnica 20 min u vodu zagrijanu na 43,3 ºC. Vrsta M. hapla štetna je u proizvodnji jagode na otvorenom, ali i u zaštićenom prostoru. Zaraza se uočava temeljem pojave kvržica na korijenu te formiranja mnogo korjenčića. Biljke jagode kržljaju, lišće postaje klorotično i crveni, a posljedica je i smanjeni prinos. Za jače zaraze biljke se mogu potpuno osušiti. Budući da ta vrsta ima oko 550 biljaka domaćina, vrlo je zahtjevan odabir biljaka u plodoredu. Smanjenje populacije tih nematoda postiže se isušivanjem tla, suzbijanjem korova, sadnjom biljaka neprijatelja nematoda (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) te sadnjom otpornih i tolerantnih biljaka. Najbolji rezultati postižu se termičkom sterilizacijom tla, solarizacijom i kemijskom sterilizacijom prije sadnje.Between forty species of plant parasitic nematodes harmful to strawberries, the most common species of nematodes are Aphelenchoides fragariae and Meloidogyne hapla. Nematode species A. fragariae cause twisting and puckering of leaves, delayed development of the plants, reddened and stunted petioles, flowers talks with aborted or partly aborted flowers and lowering yields strawberries to 60 %. In addition to crop rotation and planting of healthy plants, a significant role in preventing the spread of this pest has a sinking seedlings in water heated to 43.3 ° C for 20 min. Species M. hapla is harmful in strawberry production outdoors and in greenhouses. The infection is recognized based on the appearance of root nodules and the formation of many fine roots. Plants of strawberries become dwarf, leaves become chlorotic and red, what it is followed by reduced yield. The most infected plants can be completely dry. As this species has about 550 host plants, the selection of plants in the rotation is demanding. Reducing populations of these nematodes is achieved by draining of the soil, weed control, planting enemy plants (Tagetes spp., Asparagus spp.) and the planting of resistant and tolerant plants. The best results are achieved by thermal sterilization of the soil, solarization and chemical sterilization before planting

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