
Security of Operation and Identification of Possible Bottlenecks in Southeast Europe Transmission Network Under Market Conditions


Na temelju rezultata proračuna tokova snaga i analize sigurnosti pogona visokonaponske prijenosne mreže u jugoistočnoj Europi, uz tržišno određen angažman proizvodnih postrojenja, opisane su osnovne značajke mreže i identificirana moguća mjesta zagušenja. Ti su proračuni izvedeni u sklopu projekta REBIS (eng. Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study), koji financira Europska komisija, odnosno GIS (Generation Investment Study), studije izgradnje novih proizvodnih kapaciteta u regiji. Tržišni angažman proizvodnih postrojenja u jugoistočnoj Europi u stanjima prognoziranog vršnog opterećenja sustava 2010. i 2015. godine, za različita hidrološka stanja, određen je s pomoću programa WASP (IAEA) i GTMax (Argonne NL). Proračuni tokova snaga izvedeni su uporabom programskog paketa PSS/E (Siemens PTI). U radu se posebice razmatraju simulirani angažman elektrana i pogon prijenosne mreže unutar sustava u Republici Hrvatskoj.Based on the results of calculations of power flows and on the analysis of the operation of the HV transmission network in Southeast Europe, with the market focus on generation facilities, the basic characteristics of the network are described and possible bottlenecks identified. The calculations were done within the EC-funded REBIS project (Regional Balkans Infrastructure Study) and the Generation Investment Study (GIS) of new power generation capacities in the region. The market offering of generation facilities in Southeast Europe at forecast system peak loads in 2010 and 2015, for different hydrological conditions, was determined by the WASP (IAEA) and GTMax (Argonne NL) software. Calculations of power flows were carried out by using the PSS/E software (Siemens PTI). The article particularly discuses simulated power plant output and the operation of the transmission network in the Republic of Croatia

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