
Certainty diagnosis of scabies in vivo by epiluminescence microscopy


Scabies represents a frequent and well-known skin disease provoked by infestation of Sarcoptes scabiei var hominis. It is characterized by severe generalized pruritus and by the presence of pathognomic burrows caused by the female arachnid in the epidermis. Often there are secondary symptoms such as pomphos, papules, vesicles or burrows and nodules. Currently, the diagnosis of scabies is established by optical microscopy identification of the mite, or ova in skin scraping removed from a linear or serpiginous elevation of skin in the form of a ridge 0.5-1 cm in length. Nevertheless occasionally even when numerous characteristic scabies symptoms are present, the scrape of burrow can be negative in optical microscopy. The authors showed a specific epiluminescence microscopic pathognomic picture of scabies, that can attribute a high diagnostic resolution to this technique. In respect to optical microscopy, epiluminescence permits the observation of an extended skin surface and reduces the possibility of false negative tests

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