This application was part of an industry Capstone project with Georgia Tech Research Institute, with Mr. Matthew Pinkston as the industry sponsor, Ms. Allison Boyle as the industry Capstone coordinator, and Mr. Donald Privitera as the Capstone professor. Our team worked on creating the framework for an opensource, web-based IT management application that future developers can add various features and sub-applications onto for purposes such as asset and budget management. The application is PHP-based with its backend, utilizing the Laravel framework and several of its built-in features for routing, database management, login authentication with bcrypt hash security, and session tracking. The frontend design of the web application was done using HTML, Bootstrap, and jQuery. MySQL was used for the database, which is currently used primarily for the user authentication system. We have chosen the MIT licensing model to ensure future developers can easily add onto the code and incorporate sub-applications into our framework, which was created with the intent of being a basis for developers to add functionality to as they see fit. It also ensures the application serves as a free, opensource solution for small IT management departments