Employment Benefits from California Climate Investments and Co-investments


From the launch of California Climate Investments in 2013 through 2016, the state appropriated about 2.2billionto29programsaimedatreducingGHGs.Ofthese,13weretransportationprogramsthatreceivednearly2.2 billion to 29 programs aimed at reducing GHGs. Of these, 13 were transportation programs that received nearly 1.8 billion in California Climate Investments, including the High-Speed Rail Project, the Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program, the Transit and Intercity Rail Capital Program, the Clean Vehicle Rebate Project, and otherLow CarbonTransportation investments.How do these programs translate into jobs? Researchers at the UCLA Luskin Center for Innovation conducted the state’s largest study of the employment impacts of CCI transportation investments

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