Cr(110) texture induced by epitaxy on Al2O3(0001) substrates: Preferential grain growth in the 001 direction


Chromium exhibits (110) textured growth on Al2O 3(0001) substrates induced by epitaxy. Epitaxy occurs in nine distinct orientations, leading to a polycrystalline film of grains with (110) out-of-plane orientation but different in-plane orientations. For e-beam evaporated films, scanning electron microscopy shows acicular Cr grains elongated in the 001 direction. Grain boundaries occur along (1 1 0) and (1 10) planes, which is explained by the low surface energy of {110} planes in the bcc structure. The direction of the long axes of the grains relative to the substrate is defined by the underlying hexagonal symmetry of the substrate, leading to a unique tri-directional microstructure. © 2013 AIP Publishing LLC

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