Pyroelectric electron emission from a thin film of PbZrxTi 1-xO3 on a nanofabricated cathode


We report pyroelectric emission from thin films of crystalline PbZr 0.8Ti0.2O3 (PZT) on nanometer-sharp tips. The epitaxial PZT films are 30 nm thick and grown directly on batch fabricated single-crystal silicon tips. Pyroelectric emission occurs for heating rates ≥ 50 °C/min in a 20 V/μm external field, and for electric field strengths ≥ 6.7 V/μm when heated at 100 °C/min. The emitted electric charge is reasonable when compared to the theoretical maximum charge for this PZT film and these testing parameters. We calculate that a heating rate of 4.0×10 7 °C/min is necessary for unassisted pyroelectric emission. © 2013 IEEE

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