Reign of His Majesty Kalakaua. Fifteenth Year. Biennial Report of the President of the Board of Education, To the Legislative Assembly of 1888


Includes Table I. Number of Schools, Teachers and Pupils in the Kingdom; Table II. Government Common Schools Taught in Hawaiian. Government English Schools; Table III. Nationalities of Pupils Attending School in the Hawaiian Kingdom; Table IV A. Islands and Districts, Government Common Schools Taught in Hawaiian. Table IV B. Islands and Districts, Government English Schools. Table V. [Showing Nationalities in Every District in the Kingdom (Hawaiians, Half-caste, Americans, British, Germans, Portugese, Norwegians, Chinese, S. S. Islands, Japanese, and Other)]; Table VI. Comparative Table of Enrollment in Government Schools, June 30, 1887, and March 31, 1888

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