Reflecting on key findings from the Measuring Quality in Initial Teacher Education (MQuITE) project


The six-year Scottish Government-funded MQuITE project will come to an end in December this year. The project has involved a unique collaboration between all 11 teacher education providers in Scotland, together with the General Teaching Council for Scotland. Established as a result of a widely acknowledged need for empirical data on teacher education quality, MQuITE has gathered data from two cohorts of new teachers over a five-year period (n=946), as well as snapshot data from school-based mentors and school leaders (n=229), and from university-based tutors (n=150). While these data reveal wide-ranging and interesting insights into perspectives and experiences of contemporary Scottish teacher education, the project itself has also acted as a conduit for sector-wide engagement and development. Indeed, the uniqueness of this contextually appropriate approach (Kennedy et al., 2021) to identifying quality a national system level has gained interest from around the world. This symposium seeks to present key highlights from across the project, including: advances in the conceptualisation of teacher education quality; key highlights from the longitudinal data; and an evaluation of the utility of the framework in terms of its capacity to reveal data that might impact on practice

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