
Promicanje zdravlja na radnom mjestu omogućuje unaprjeđenje zdravlja i sveukupnog blagostanja zaposlenika djelujući na promjenjive čimbenike rizika kao i poticanjem zdravog življenja. Aktivnosti promicanja zdravlja na radnom mjestu donose višestruku korist, od one za samog pojedinca (zaposlenika), do poslodavaca i u konačnici koristi za širu zajednicu zbog čega bi te aktivnosti trebale biti jedan od centralnih javnozdravstvenih interesa. Ovaj rad donosi pregled koncepta promicanja zdravlja na radnom mjestu, glavnih organizacija na razini Europe i Hrvatske, primjere dobre prakse u Europi te pregled programa promicanja zdravlja na radnom mjestu u Hrvatskoj.Workplace health promotion enables improvement of health and overall employee well-being through changing risk factors and promoting healthy living. According the World Health Organization, chronic non-communicable diseases are the leading cause of death and disability in the world. They lead to reduced productivity and increased costs. In order to overcome this trend, the workplace is used as the main place to promote long-term behavioral changes aimed at improving health. Workplace health promotion activities bring multiple benefi ts, from those to the individual (employees) to those to the employers and ultimately to the wider community, and thereby these activities should be one of the central public health interests. This paper presents an overview of the concept of workplace health promotion, leading organizations in the fi eld in Europe and Croatia, examples of good practice in Europe, and the workplace health promotion program in Croatia

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