Critical infrastructure protection actualities with emphasis to public water supply


Voda je jedinstven i nezamjenjiv prirodni resurs ograničenih količina i neravnomjerne globalne prostorne i vremenske raspodjele. Iz činjenice da su svi oblici života i sve ljudske aktivnosti više ili manje vezane uz vodu, jasno proizlazi važnost odnosa i zaštita vode. Klimatske su promjene evidentirane, a hidrološki ekstremi poplave i suše sve su izraženiji. Prilagodba klimatskim promjenama trajna je zadaća, za što je nužno na održiv način razvijati i održavati vodnogospodarske i vodnokomunalne objekte i sustave . Osim klimatskih promjena kao rastuće sigurnosne prijetnje po vodne resurse i vodoopskrbnu infrastrukturu - tu su i druge asimetrične prijetnje i izazovi poput cyber napada, namjernih onečišćenja, sabotaža, terorističkih napada, sukoba i dr. Stoga je od prioritetne važnosti pojačavati mjere zaštite vodnih resursa i otpornost distribucijskih vodoopskrbnih infrastruktura kako u svijetu, tako i u Republici Hrvatskoj. Sigurnosne prijetnje po kritičnu infrastrukturu smanjit ćemo primjenjujući pristupe ponajprije vezane uz strategijske i normativne okvire, a zatim kroz sigurnosne planove, programe i ostale aktivnosti koje će se morati provoditi na svim razinama upravljanja i otpornosti kritičnih infrastruktura.Water is a unique and irreplacable, limited natural resource with an uneven global spatial and temporal distribution. The fact that all life forms and all human activities are more or less related to water clearly shows the importance of relations and the protection of water. Climate change has been recorded, and the hydrological extremes of floods and droughts are becoming more pronounced. Adaptation to climate change is an ongoing task, for which it is necessary to develop and maintain water management and water utility facilities and systems in a sustainable way. In addition to climate change as a growing security threat to the water infrastructure, there are other asymmetric threats and challenges such as cyberattacks, deliberate pollution, terrorist attacks, sabotage etc. Economic development and urbanization are leading to a large increase in water demand, and in this respect, water is becoming a limiting factor in development. Therefore, it is of utmost importance to initiate the protection of water resources and the protection of distribution water supply infrastructures in the Republic of Croatia. We will reduce security threats to critical infrastructure by applying approaches primarily related to legislative frameworks and then through plans, programs and other activities that will need to be implemented at all levels of critical infrastructure management

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