The linear \protect \mathfrak{n}(1|N)–invariant differential operators and \protect \mathfrak{n}(1|N)–relative cohomology


Over the (1,N)(1,N)-dimensional supercircle S1NS^{1|N}, we classify n(1N)\mathfrak{n}(1|N)-invariant linear differential operators acting on the superspaces of weighted densities on S1NS^{1|N}, where n(1N)\mathfrak{n}(1|N) is the Heisenberg Lie superalgebra. This result allows us to compute the first differential n(1N)\mathfrak{n}(1|N)-relative cohomology of the Lie superalgebra K(N)\mathcal{K}(N) of contact vector fields with coefficients in the superspace of weighted densities. For N=0,1,2,N=0,1,2, we investigate the first n(1N)\mathfrak{n}(1|N)-relative cohomology space associated with the embedding of K(N)\mathcal{K}(N) in the superspace of the supercommutative algebra SP(N)\mathcal{SP}(N) of pseudodifferential symbols on S1NS^{1|N} and in the Lie superalgebra SΨDO(S1N)\mathcal{S}\Psi \mathcal{D}\mathcal{O} (S^{1|N}) of superpseudodifferential operators with smooth coeffcients. We explicity give 1-cocycles spanning these cohomology spaces

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