
The plant height of wheat is an important quantitative trait, controlled by several genes with strong effect. However, in worldwide wheat breeding, only several of those genes have been used. Rht8 (Reduced Height Gene) is especially important in agro-climatic conditions of South-East Europe. Because of its close linkage with dwarfing gene Rht8, microsatellite marker gwm261 has been accepted as the diagnostic molecular marker for gene Rht8. In this study, allelic variability at the locus Xgwm261 for 122 Croatian and foreign wheat cultivars by means of microsatellite marker gwm261 was determined. A 192 base pairs allele at the locus Xgwm261 was found for 84 Croatian cultivars. The genetic heritage of Croatian cultivars at the locus Xgwm261 is the consequence of new parental components usage, carriers of short plant and early maturity attributes and the consequent selection of progeny with these traits during breeding process. The results of this research will be helpful in characterization of domestic wheat cultivars, as well as in more accurate selection of parents for hybridization purposes.Visina biljke pšenice važno je kvantitativno svojstvo kontrolirano s više gena jakog učinka. Međutim, u oplemenjivanju pšenice u svijetu, najčešće se koristi samo nekoliko takvih gena. U agroklimatskim uvjetima jugoistoka Europe posebno je važan gen Rht8 (Reduced Height Gene). Mikrosatelit gwm261 je, zbog svoje bliske vezanosti s lokusom za gen Rht8, prihvaćen kao dijagnostički molekularni biljeg gena Rht8. U ovome istraživanju je pomoću mikrosatelita gwm261 utvrđena alelna varijabilnost na lokusu Xgwm261 za 122 hrvatska i strana kultivara pšenice. Alel sa 192 para baza na lokusu Xgwm261 utvrđen je za 84 hrvatska kultivara. Genetsko naslijeđe hrvatskih kultivara na lokusu Xgwm261 posljedica je korištenja novih roditelja, nositelja svojstava niže stabljike i ranozrelosti te odabira potomstva s tim svojstvima tijekom oplemenjivačkoga procesa. Rezultati istraživanja pomoći će u karakterizaciji domaćih kultivara pšenice, kao i u preciznijem odabiru roditelja u svrhu križanja

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