Properties of self-compacting concrete with high fly-ash content


Opisuje se samozbijajući beton kao nova vrsta betona koja ne zahtijeva zbijanje pri ugradnji. U radu su prikazana eksperimentalna ispitivanja svojstava samozbijajućeg betona s dodatkom letećeg pepela (30- 50 % mase cementa). Utvrđeno je da povećanje količine letećeg pepela utječe na poboljšanje svojstava trajnosti i na smanjenje tlačne čvrstoće. Analizom rezultata pokazano je da, u slučaju istog vodovezivnog omjera, samozbijajući beton ima bolja svojstva trajnosti od običnog betona.The new self-compacting concrete, which requires no compaction during placement, is described. The experimental study of properties of the self-compacting concrete to which the fly ash is added (30-50 percent of the cement mass) is presented. It was determined that the increase in the fly-ash content improves durability and reduces compressive strength. The analysis of results revealed that, in case of similar water/cement ratios, the self-compacting concrete has better durability properties when compared to ordinary concrete

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