Screening of selected wood-damaging fungi for the HIV-1 reverse transcriptase inhibitors


Iz 57 vrst lesnih gliv sta bili pripravljeni dve seriji izvlečkov. V prvi so bili izvlečki, pripravljeni z metanolom, v drugi pa z diklormetanom. Preizkušenih je bilo 63 vzorcev, saj so bile nekatere vrste zastopane z večjim številom izolatov. Izvlečkom smo in vitro preizkusili inhibitorno aktivnost na HIV-1 reverzno transkriptazo s pomočjo neradioaktivne metode. 13 metanolnih izvlečkov je inhibiralo encim več kot 40-odstotno, med njimi sta dva inhibirala encim več kot 80-odstotno. Najbolj učinkovita sta bila izvlečka gliv Laetiporus sulphuerus in Poria monticola, sledita jim izvlečka vrst Poria vaillanti in Chondrostereum purpureum. V nadaljevanju raziskave smo ugotavljali inhibitorno aktivnost različitih izolatov glive Laetiporus sulphureus. Najbolj aktivne izvlečke smo frakcionirali s pomočjo preparativne tekočinske kromatografije. Domnevamo, da bi bila lahko v najbolj aktivni frakciji prisotna spojina ali spojine, ki so kisle narave in imajo v strukturi amino skupino.Extracts obtained by using methanol and dichloromethane from 57 species of wood damaging fungi were investigated for their ability to inhibit HIV-1 reverse transcriptase activity in vitro using non-radioactive assay. Sixty tree samples were tested all together; some species were represented by more than one isolate. Thirteen methanol extracts exhibited more than 40% inhibition and two among them inhibited the enzyme more than 80%. All extracts obtained with dichloromethane were inferior to methanolic extracts in their inhibitory activity. The most active fungal species discovered in the first screening were Laetiporus sulphureus and Poria monticola, followed by Poria vaillanti and Chondrostereum purpureum. In the second screening, Laetiporus sulphureus was selected for detailed examination and different isolates were tested. Preliminary findings confirmed a presence of acidic compound with amino group in the most active fraction

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