Statistical and energetic analysis of side-chain conformations in oligopeptides.


The distributions of side-chain conformations in 258 crystal structures of oligopeptides have been analyzed. The sample contains 321 residues having side chains that extend beyond the C beta atom. Statistically observed preferences of side-chain dihedral angles are summarized and correlated with stereochemical and energetic constraints. The distributions are compared with observed distributions in proteins of known X-ray structures and with computed minimum-energy conformations of amino acid derivatives. The distributions are similar in all three sets of data, and they appear to be governed primarily by intraresidue interactions. In side chains with no beta-branching, the most important interactions that determine chi 1 are those between the C gamma H2 group and atoms of the neighboring peptide groups. As a result, the g- conformation (chi 1 congruent to -60 degrees) occurs most frequently for rotation around the C alpha-C beta bond in oligopeptides, followed by the t conformation (chi 1 congruent to 180 degrees), while the g+ conformation (chi 1 congruent to 60 degrees) is least favored. In residues with beta-branching, steric repulsions between the C gamma H2 or C gamma H3 groups and backbone atoms govern the distribution of chi 1. The extended (t) conformation is highly favored for rotation around the C beta-C gamma and C gamma-C delta bonds in unbranched side chains, because the t conformer has a lower energy than the g+ and g- conformers in hydrocarbon chains. This study of the observed side-chain conformations has led to a refinement of one of the energy parameters used in empirical conformational energy computations

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