Die Klinische anwendung von composite-materialien bei kavitaten der Klasse V.


Učestalost upotrebe složenih materijala u restorativnoj stomatologiji, zbog njihovih dobrih svojstava (transparentnost i tvrdoća), ponukala je atoure da provedu niz kliničkih istraživanja. Primjena složenih (composite) materijala ima svoju domenu naročito kad je riječ o ispunima na aproksimalnim plohama prednjih zuba i na karioznim defektima zubnih vratova, jer se oni odlikuju dobrim kemijskim svojstvima. Autori su primjenjivali Adaptic tvrtke Johnson & Johnson kao i Consise tvrtke 3M. Posebnom su tehnikom radili ispune, na cervikalnim predjelima sjekutića, očnjaka i pretkutnjaka. Autori navode, da su promatrajući ispune, nakon određenog vremena, ustanovili, da su ti ispuni imali određene i velike prednosti pred dosad upotrebljavanim materijalima. Na nekoliko slika prikazane su kariozne lezije na zubnim vratovima, način preparacije i definitivni ispuni tih kaviteta složenim materijalima. Zaključno autori iznose način aplikacije složenih materijala i preporučuju praktičarima njihovu primjenu.The incidence of the application of composite materials in restorative dentistry because of their good qualities (transparency and hardness) prompted the authors to undertake a number of clinical observations. The application of composite materials finds its articular sphere of influence in fillings on the approximate plane of the front teeth and in carious defects of the necks of the teeth since composite resins have shown to possess good chemical properties. The authors have applied Adaptic, manufactured by H. Johnson and Johnson and Consise, manufactured by 3 M. A special technique was applied in filling the cervical part of the incisors, canines and premolars. The authors mention that by examining the fillings after a certain period they established that these fillings showed definite and great advantages over the materials applied previously. Carious lesions of the tooth necks are shown on several photos, the manner of preparation and the final filling of these cavities by means of composite materials. The manner of application of composite materials is described in the conclusion and their application and their application recommended to practicians.Die häufige Anwendung der Composite-Materialien in der restaurativen Stomatologie wegen Ihrer gute Eigenschaften (Transparenz und Härte), hat die Autoren zu klinischen Beobachtungen veranlasst. Die Anwendung hat insbesondere ihre Indikation für Füllungen an approksimalen Flächen der Frontzähne und bei kariösen Zahnhalsdefekten. Zur Anwendung kamen Adaptic der Firma Johnson & Johnson , als auch Concise 3M. Eine speziele Technik wird für Füllungen in den Zahnhalsgegenden der Schneidezähne, Augenzähne und Prämolaren beschrieben. Die Kontrolle der Füllungen nach einer bestimmten Zeitperiode konnte die grossen Vorteile dieser Füllungen im Verhältnis zu den früher angewandten Materialien, feststellen. An einigen Abbildungen sind die kariösen Zahnhalsdefekte, die Präparationsart und die definitiven Füllungen dieser Kavitäten m it Composite-Materialien dargestellt. Abschliesend wird die Methode der Applikation dieser Materialien vorgebracht und ihre Anwendung in der allgemeinen Praxis empfohlen

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