Sarcophagus of Joan of Arc – ‘’Cult of Virgin’’ in Contemporary Art


Cilj je ovog rada prikazati i analizirati djela suvremene umjetnosti koja se referiraju na tri arhetipska lika - simbola djevice, majke i bludnice. Autorice Vera Mukhina, Cindy Sherman i Marina Abramović propituju odnos između kreatora i predmeta umjetničkog djela, kroz odnos mita, tradicije, ideologije i rodnih uvjetovanosti. Autori Tomislav Buntak, Vladimir Dodig Trokut i Ivan Folić u svom radu polaze od idealizirane slike spolnosti i žene izgrađujući ga kroz različite vjerske, tradicijske ili popularno kulturne matrice. Na ovim se primjerima analizira princip transformacije u suvremenoj umjetnosti kao i odnos između svetog i profanog u različitim društvima, kulturama, ideologijama i represivnim sustavima.The aim of this paper is to present and analyze the works of contemporary art, which refer to three archetypal characters: -the symbol of virgin, mother and prostitute. The authors Vera Mukhin, Cindy Sherman and Marina Abramović examine the relationship between the creator and art objects, through the relation between myth, tradition, ideology and gender determination. The authors Tomislav Buntak, Vladimir Dodig Trokut and Ivan Folić in their work take as a starting point the idealized images of sexuality and woman and they develop their work through different religious, traditional or popular and cultural matrices. The principle of transformation in contemporary art and relationships between the sacred and profane in different societies, cultures, ideologies and repressive systems are analyzed in these examples

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