Umjetnost: neuroznanstveni pristup


Scientists have for centuries tried to localize and define artistic talent. Modern diagnostic techniques that enable visualization and measurement of brain morphology and function are positron emission tomography (PET), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), functional transcranial Doppler (fTOD) and some biochemical methods. In the majority of people, the left hemisphere is dominant, but the right hemisphere is considered to be creative, visual, imaginative and intuitive. Right hemisphere is associated with musical skills and good three-dimensional orientation. It is also associated with good coordination and athletic skills. Creative people have less marked hemispheric dominance. Using the functional (fMRI) technique, the activation of visual cortex while watching different kinds of compositions was visible; the specific pattern of cortical activation was identified for looking at the landscapes, portraits, abstract compositions or different combination of colors. For music perception, the interplay of activity on both sides of the brain is necessary. In the right side, the centers for perceiving pitch, certain aspects of melody, harmony, timbre and rhythm are placed, and in the left side the processes of rapid changes in frequency and intensity, both in music and words are taking place. Adaptation of the brain, i.e. brain plasticity can arise upon listening or performing music. It is possible to use music, painting and dancing as an aid in the treatment of somatic, neurologic or psychiatric disorders.Stoljećima znanstvenici pokušavaju lokalizirati i definirati umjetnički talent. Pozitronska emisijska tomografja (PET), funkcionalna magnetska rezonanca (fMRI) i funkcionalna dopler sonografija (fTCD) su moderne dijagnostičke metode koje omogućavaju vizualizaciju moždane morfologije i funkcije. U većine osoba dominantna je lijeva hemisfera, dok se za desnu hemisferu smatra da je kreativna, vizualna, intuitivna i zadužena za maštu, dobru trodimenzionalnu orijentaciju, koordinaciju, sportske i glazbene vještine. U kreativnih osoba dominantnost hemisfera je manje izražena. fMRI omogućuje registriranje aktivacije vidne kore za vrijeme promatranja različitih kompozicija poput pejzaža. portreta, apstraktnih kompozicija i kombinacija boja. Za percepciju glazbe potrebna je suradnja obiju hemisfera. U desnoj hemisferi se registrira ton, melodija, ritam i harmonija, dok su centri za brzu promjenu frekvencija u lijevoj hemisferi. Glazba potiče procese neuroplastičnosti. Glazbu, slikarstvo i ples moguće je koristiti kao pomoćno sredstvo u liječenju somatskih, neuroloških i psihijatrijskih poremećaja

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