Degradation of mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after exposure to fire


Prikazani su rezultati eksperimentalnog određivanja preostalih mehaničkih svojstava betona velike čvrstoće nakon požara. Ispitivano je: tlačna i vlačna čvrstoća te tangentni i sekantni modul elastičnosti. Ispitivanja su se provodila zagrijavanjem betonskih uzoraka na ciljanu visoku temperaturu. Osim mehaničkih svojstava betona prikazana su i preostala svojstva nakon hlađenja uzoraka. Rezultati su uspoređivani s vrijednostima navedenih svojstava danih u EN1992-1-2 i EN1994-1-2.The results obtained by experimental determination of residual mechanical properties of high-strength concrete after fire exposure are presented. The following properties are analyzed: compressive strength and tensile strength, and the tangent and secant moduli of elasticity. The testing is conducted by heating concrete samples to a high target temperature. In addition to mechanical properties of concrete, other properties registered after sample cooling are also presented. The results are compared with corresponding properties given in EN1992-1-2 and EN1994-1-2

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