Investigation of Knitted Fabric Dimensional Characteristics


Fizikalno-mehanička svojstava pletiva utječu na izgled, uporabna svojstva odjevnih predmeta i udobnost nošenja. S porastom životnog standarda, navedena svojstva postaju iznimno bitna kod donošenja odluke o kupnji proizvoda. Cilj rada je istražiti na koji način uporaba različitih pređa za pletenje (pamuk, pamuk/elastan) te postupak dorade pletiva utječu na fizikalno-mehanička svojstva pletiva. Ispitivanje je provedeno na pamučnim pređama finoća 12, 14 i 20 tex te na sirovim i dorađenim kulirnim desno-lijevim glatkim pletivima izrađenim od 100% pamučnih pređa i mješavine pamučnih pređa s elastanom. Koristeći sustav KES-FB, ispitivana su rastezna svojstva, svojstva smicanja, savijanja, kompresije i površinska svojstva svih pletiva.Physical-mechanical properties of the knitted fabric affect the appearance, performance characteristics of articles of clothing and wear comfort. By increasing the standard of living the mentioned properties become exceptionally important when making a decision on the purchase of a product. The objective of the paper is to investigate in which way the use of various knitting yarns (cotton, cotton/elastane) and the finishing procedure for knitted fabric influence the physical-mechanical properties of knitted fabric. The tests were conducted on cotton yarns with counts of 12, 14 and 20 tex and on grey and finished single/jersey knitted fabrics from 100% cotton yarns and from cotton/elastane blends. Using the KES-FB system, elongation properties as well as shearing, bending, compression and surface properties of all the knitted fabrics were examined

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