Effect of the macro-structure on the flammability of the oxidized PAN fibre based woven textiles


U radu su istražena svojstva makrostrukture koja određuju gorivost krajnjeg proizvoda (tkanine) proizvedenog od 100 % oksidiranih akrilnih vlakna. Pokazano je da se gorivost krajnjeg proizvoda može definirati i ispitati na dva načina: prvo, ispitivanjem gorivosti oksidiranog akrilnog vlakna kao glavnog proizvoda (mikrostruktura) i drugo, ispitivanjem gorivosti tkanine načinjene od tih vlakana (makrostruktura). Tekstilni uzorvi od određenog oksidiranog vlakna a različitih vrsta tkanja imaju različitu gorivost i vrijednosti indeks kisika. Indeks kisika, koji karakterizira gorivost krajnjeg proizvoda u korelaciji je s osnovnim parametrima tekstilnih uzoraka (npr. gustoćom) mikro- i makrostrukture. Na temelju dobivenih rezultata, može se reći da navođenje samo standardiziranog indeksa kisika i graničnog indeksa kisika (LOI) kao parametra temeljnog materijala nije dovoljno za definiranje svojstava gorivosti krajnjeg proizvoda.In this work, the macro structure properties which determine the flammability of the end products (woven textiles) produced from 100% oxidized PAN fibres were examined. The conclusion was that the flammability of an end product can be defined and tested in two forms: one form is the oxidized PAN fibre as main product (micro structure) and the other is the woven textiles made from the fibre (macro structure). A textile produced from a certain oxidized fibre shows different flammability and oxygen index if the types of woven are different. The authors also concluded that the oxygen index, which characterises the flammability of an end product, is in correlation with the main parameters (e.g.: density) of the macro- and micro structures. Based on the results obtained it seems, to characterise the flammability of the end products it is not enough to give only the standardized oxygen-index and it is not enough to give only the LOI parameter of the base material

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