Facial Bite Wound


Ugrizne rane jedne su od najčešćih ozljeda u ljudi. Najčešći su ugrizi pasa (više od 80%), mačaka i ljudi. U velikom postotku ugrizne rane locirane su na licu, osobito kod djece. Najčešće bakterije koje se mogu naći u ugriznoj rani su aerobi i anaerobi iz oralne flore napadača i aerobi s kože žrtve. Liječenje ugriznih rana lica je specifično u odnosu prema ostalim dijelovima tijela. Ugrizne rane lica primarno se šivaju, a zbog dobre prokrvljenosti komplikacije su rijetke, no ako se dogode mogu biti opasne za život. U radu je predstavljen slučaj infekcije ugrizne rane na licu uzrokovane konjskim ugrizom i liječenje komplikacija.Bite wounds are one of the most frequent human traumas. Most frequently it is the dog bites (more than 80%), cats, and humans. Great percentage of these traumas is located on the face, especially in children. Most frequently isolated bacteria in the wounds are aerobes and anaerobes from the oral flora of the attacker and aerobes from the victim’s skin. The treatment of facial bite wounds has its characteristics when compared to other body parts, in that they are primarily sutured. Due to the excellent vascularity the complications are rare, but if they occur, they can be life threatening. This article reports an infection of a facial bite wound caused by horse bite and the treatment of subsequent complications

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