Contrastive Decoding: Open-ended Text Generation as Optimization


Likelihood, although useful as a training loss, is a poor search objective for guiding open-ended generation from language models (LMs). Existing generation algorithms must avoid both unlikely strings, which are incoherent, and highly likely ones, which are short and repetitive. We propose contrastive decoding (CD), a more reliable search objective that returns the difference between likelihood under a large LM (called the expert, e.g. OPT-13b) and a small LM (called the amateur, e.g. OPT-125m). CD is inspired by the fact that the failures of larger LMs are even more prevalent in smaller LMs, and that this difference signals exactly which texts should be preferred. CD requires zero training, and produces higher quality text than decoding from the larger LM alone. It also generalizes across model types (OPT and GPT2) and significantly outperforms four strong decoding algorithms in automatic and human evaluations

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