Entropy-based Abnormal Activity Detection Fusing RGB-D and Domotic Sensors


The automatic detection of anomalies in Active and Assisted Living (AAL) environments is important for monitoring the wellbeing and safety of the elderly at home. The integration of smart domotic sensors (e.g. presence detectors) and those ones equipping modern mobile robots (e.g. RGB-D cameras) provides new opportunities for addressing this challenge. In this paper, we propose a novel solution to combine local activity levels detected by a single RGB-D camera with the global activity perceived by a network of domotic sensors. Our approach relies on a new method for computing such a global activity using various presence detectors, based on the concept of entropy from information theory. This entropy effectively shows how active a particular room or environment's area is. The solution includes also a new application of Hybrid Markov Logic Networks (HMLNs) to merge different information sources for local and global anomaly detection. The system has been tested with a comprehensive dataset of RGB-D and domotic data containing data entries from 37 different domotic sensors (presence, temperature, light, energy consumption, door contact), which is made publicly available. The experimental results show the effectiveness of our approach and its potential for complex anomaly detection in AAL settings

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