Modernization of a Cardiovascular Hydrodynamic Testing System through the Automation of its Peripheral Resistance Device


Cardiovascular hydrodynamic systems, such as pulse duplicators, reproduce the human systemic circulation and they play a pivotal role as in vitro assessment tools for testing heart medical devices such as aortic valves and stents [1]. Hence, spe- cific ISO standards govern their safety assessment, prescribing in vitro experiments aimed at replicating the target operating conditions in humans [2]. In this scenario, the modernization of existing mock circulatory loops, in terms of both hardware and software components, offers new possibilities to dominate their intrinsic complexity, through the rapid exploration of new suitable solutions. This research involves the modernization of an existing non-commercial pulse duplicator in use at the Heal- ing Research Laboratory at the University of Padua, Italy [3]. The cardiovascular hydrodynamic system is characterized by high customizability, modularity, and it allows simulating a wide range of physiological and pathologic conditions. The focus of this research is the automation of a crucial system component that is the periph- eral resistance device, aggregating the system effects of resistance to flow providing a suitable pressure drop. To this aim, a new motorized peripheral resistance valve, equipped with a stepper DC motor, a H-bridge, and Arduino Uno board, replaces the current manual device. Specifically, the problem of valve automatic setting ad- justment is tackled in a data-driven way by means of an Extremum Seeking Control algorithm exhibiting interesting plug and play characteristics. The proposed ap- proach can handle the intrinsic system complexity to fix the incomplete knowledge of certain system characteristics while guaranteeing good performance in a wide range of system configurations and operating conditions. The effectiveness of the automated peripheral resistance device has been verified through experimental tests and the automation of other fundamental system components will be considered in the future

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