Statistical Analysis Plan: Grammar and Writing Research Project


Englicious is an approach to grammar teaching underpinned by linguistics research that is supported by an extensive set of website resources ( Englicious combines formal grammar teaching, that is specified in England’s national curriculum, with emphasis on how this grammar links with some of the processes of writing. The approach aims to make learning about grammar fun and appealing, and stimulates pupils to learn about grammar in a hands-on way. For teachers the website provides a wide variety of innovative teaching materials, including lesson plans, interactive exercises, projects, videos, a glossary, etc., as well as background materials to improve their understanding of grammar. It helps teachers deliver England’s national curriculum requirements for English grammar, and to prepare their pupils for the Grammar, Punctuation and Spelling tests which are optional at KS1 and statutory at KS2. What makes Englicious unique is that it is informed by modern linguistics (Aarts 2011, Aarts, Mehl and Wallis, 2016; Aarts and Smith-Dennis, 2018), and makes full use of digital technologies such as tablets, apps and interactive whiteboards. Currently over 6,500 teachers have signed up to use Englicious. The resources on Englicious are tailored for particular year groups and address specific grammatical topics. For example, in order to teach pupils that adverbs (part of the KS1 National Curriculum specification for Year 2) can be moved around in sentences Englicious offers a lesson plan with an associated interactive activity that teaches the idea of adverb mobility in a playful way

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