1994 Multi-site Broadband Seismic Observation at Sakurajima Volcano, Japan


Broadband observation of volcanic earthquakes has been recently conducted at many volcanoes. At the Sakurajima Volcano in Japan, one of the most active volcanoes all over the world, we conducted two broadband seismic observations successfully in last three years. However, they left some problems in terms of the number of observation sites and recording systems. This paper reports the outline of our third observation using three broadband seismometers (Streckeisen STS-II) with continuous recording at the Sakurajima Volcano from February 18 to March 28, 1994. This observation is distinguished from the previous two by the three stations operating continuously over the entire period. Although the Sakurajima Volcano had very low seismic activities during this observation period, we observed some kinds of volcanic earthquake, A-type and B-type earthquakes and volcanic tremors, particularly one series of interesting clone events

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