Central venous catheterization in pediatric patients affected by hematological malignancies.


The objective of this retrospective study was to evaluate the significance and complications of percutaneous central venous catheterization in pediatric patients affected by hematologic malignancies. One hundred and fifty-eight central venous catheters were inserted in 125 pediatric patients (male/female 67/58; median age: 4 years; range 10 m - 6 y.) affected by hematological malignancies. Venous access was obtained by means of a tunnelled silicone rubber Groshong catheter inserted percutaneously in the subclavian vein (91.1%), the internal jugular vein or in the femoral vein. The medial duration of catheterization was 231.8 days (range 8-1014 days). The total number of catheter days was 33,792 (92.6 years). There were no complications related to catheter insertion. Only one patient developed significant post-operative bleeding. One hundred and nine catheters (68.9%) were removed when they were no longer needed and 49 (31.1%) were removed due to complications: 6 catheter occlusions (12.2%), 7 were accidentally withdrawn (14.3%), 3 for local infections (6.1%) and 33 for catheter-related infection (67.3%). A Groshong catheter seems to provide good access to the blood stream for a long period of time with a low incidence of complications in children with acute hematological malignancie

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