Randomized prospective study on the efficacy of a new revitalizing filler composed of hyaluronic acid (Wipeline).


AIM: The aim of the study was to test the efficacy of a new revitalizing filler (Wipeline) formed by a buffer physiological solution of hyaluronic acid (HA). METHODS: A prospective study was performed on 100 patients (aging between 40 and 70 years), with clear signs of premature facial aging. Patients were randomly assigned to two groups, one treated with a HA concentration of 1.6%, the other with a concentration of 2% in the tested product. The treatment protocol consisted of three sessions with a four weeks intervals between them. Visual Analogue Scale (VAS) and digital photos were used to evaluate results after 1, 3, 6 and 12 months from treatment end. RESULTS: An improvement of turgidity, elasticity and luminosity of the skin and a reduction of folds and wrinkles of the treated areas were observed in both groups. The higher concentrated solution of HA had a more prolonged effect and a greater filling effect. Products were well tolerated and no adverse reactions observed. CONCLUSION: The efficacy of Wipeline has been clinically supported. This revitalizing filler succeeded in increasing skin elasticity and tone by dermal hydration. The procedure is simple and little invasive. It represents a good treatment option to restore vitality and turgidity of skin presenting the signs of aging

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