Correlated electron metal properties of the honeycomb ruthenate Na₂RuO₃


We report the synthesis and characterization of polycrystalline Na_{2}RuO_{3}, a layered material in which the Ru^{4+} (4d^{4} configuration) form a honeycomb lattice. The optimal synthesis condition was found to produce a nearly ordered Na_{2}RuO_{3} (C2/c phase), as assessed from the refinement of the time-of-flight neutron powder diffraction. Magnetic susceptibility measurements reveal a large temperature-independent Pauli paramagnetism [x_{0} ~ 1.42(2) x 10^{-3} emu/mol Oe] with no evidence of magnetic ordering down to 1.5 K, and with an absence of dynamic magnetic correlations, as evidenced by neutron scattering spectroscopy. The intrinsic susceptibility (x_{0}) together with the Sommerfeld coefficient of gamma = 11.7(2) mJ/Ru mol K^{2} estimated from heat capacity measurements gives an enhanced Wilson ratio of R_{w} ≈ 8.9(1), suggesting that magnetic correlations may be present in this material. While transport measurements on pressed pellets show nonmetallic behavior, photoemission spectroscopy indicates a small but finite density of states at the Fermi energy, suggesting that the bulk material is metallic. Except for resistivity measurements, which may have been compromised by near-surface and interface effects, all other probes indicate that Na_{2}RuO_{3} is a moderately correlated electron metal. Our results thus stand in contrast to earlier reports that Na_{2}RuO_{3} is an antiferromagnetic insulator at low temperatures

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