Nidus Idearum. Scilogs, IX: neutrosophia perennis


In this ninth book of scilogs collected from my nest of ideas, one may find new and old questions and solutions, – in email messages to research colleagues, or replies, and personal notes, some handwritten on the planes to, and from international conferences, about topics on Neutrosophy and its applications, such as: Neutrosophic Bipolar Set, Linguistic Neutrosophic Set, Neutrosophic Resonance Frequency, n-ary HyperAlgebra, n-ary NeutroHyperAlgebra, n-ary AntiHyperAlgebra, Plithogenic Crisp Graph, Plithogenic Fuzzy Graph, Plithogenic Intuitionistic Fuzzy Graph, Plithogenic Neutrosophic Graph, Plithogenic Real Number Graph, Plithogenic Complex Number Graph, Plithogenic Neutrosophic Number Graph, and many more. Exchanging ideas with: Tareq Al-Shami, Riad Khidr Al-hamido, Mohammad Akram, B. De Baets, Robert Neil Boyd, Said Broumi, Terman Frometa-Castillo, Yilmaz Ceven, D. Dubois, Harish Garg, L. Godo, Erik Gonzalez, Yanhui Guo, Mohammad Hamidi, E. Hüllermeier, W. B. Vasantha Kandasamy, Mary Jansi, Nivetha Martin, Mani Parimala, Akbar Rezaei, Bouzina Salah, Christy Vincent, Jun Ye.‬‬

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