Implementation of a low-cost robot using ROS


Having access to real robotics hardware, for students, is not always easy. One solution is the purchase of low-cost robots, but these are not always genuinely affordable and sometimes are too simple. Another solution is the building of an Open Source Robot. These robots are becoming more and more common and are usually inspired by real-life robots. With the launch of the latest Mars missions, public interest in space and rovers has revived. These complex robots, provided with state-of-the-art equipment, sometimes represent the latest advances in robotics. Over the past three years, several rover-inspired build-your-self robots have been released to the public. These low-cost open-source projects bring the newest space technology closer to the public. The present work details the assembly, test and study of the ExoMy, a low-cost rover designed by the European Space Agency (ESA). The Introduction first presents humanity’s interest in Mars and its exploration via rovers. Then, the objectives of the thesis, along with the motivation behind its development, are stated. The latest rover-inspired build-your-self robots are presented next in the State of the Art. The main body of the thesis contains a detailed study of the different Hardware and Software elements that constitute the ExoMy. Next, the possible uses of the ExoMy for the different subjects that form the UPC Master’s in Automatic Control and Robotics are analysed. Finally, the possible modifications performed on its Hardware, and the real modifications performed on its Software, are detailed. The document concludes with an economic study of the project, an analysis of its environmental impact and the conclusions drawn from its developmen

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