Spatial Decision Support System for Animal Diseases


in this paper, a Spatial Decision Support System (SDSS) was presented to help decision makers in the decision making process. The proposed spatial decision support system utilizes the capabilities of Geographic Information System (GIS), Data warehouse and Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) to provide decision makers with their needed information about the infected animals, infected places and diseases outbreaks. This information is displayed as reports or charts or allocated in a map which illustrates the most and the least affected places in an easy and fast that, decision makers can take the right decision to control the spread of diseases outbreaks. The proposed SDSS consists of three databases namely: TADinfo, BOVIS and Climate databases. Data warehouse generated from integrating those three databases and diagnosis data mart is subset of that data warehouse. OLAP capabilities integrated with data warehouse to enable decision makers browse diagnosis data from different views and generate needed reports and charts. The proposed SDSS enhanced with GIS capabilities to make various spatial analysis on diagnosis data and visualize the results as maps. The experimental results show that the proposed system can provide the decision makers with their needed information in a fast and easy way

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