A Novel estimation and Correction of Channel errors in LTE SYSTEMS


The increase in the number of RF devices and the requirement for large data rates places major role in increasing demand on bandwidth. This necessitates the need for RF communication systems with increased throughput and capacity. MIMO-OFDM is one way to meet this basic requirement. OFDM is used in many (WCD) wireless communication devices and offers high spectral efficiency and resilience to multipath channel effects. Though OFDM is very sensitive to synchronization errors, it makes the task of channel equalization simple. MIMO utilize the multiple antennas to increase throughput without increasing transmitter power or bandwidth. This project presents an introduction to the (MPC) multipath fading channel and describes an appropriate channel model. Many modulation schemes are presented (i.e. BPSK, QPSK, QAM) that are often used in Conjunction with OFDM. Mathematical modeling and analysis of OFDM are given along with a discrete implementation common to modern RF communication systems. Synchronization errors are modeled mathematically and simulated, as well as techniques to estimate and correct those errors at the receiver accurately

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