Translation of Organic Compound to 2D Graphical Representation using SDT


IUPAC (The International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) customary is employed to explain structure and characteristic of chemical compound. This paper describes translation of IUPAC (International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry) name into Two-dimensional structure of substance that consists of graphical entities. OpenGL graphical language is wont to generate graphical structure of IUPAC name. Chemical names square measure a typical manner of act chemical structure data. Basic graphical entities square measure wont to generate 2nd graphical structure of IUPAC name from Intermediate Graphical Language. computer file is generated on analyzing IUPAC name. computer file is OpenGL graphical functions to show graphical entities. This translation is achieved victimisation Syntax – Directed Translation theme by associating linguistics action. This offers internet 2nd graphical illustration of IUPAC name. This paper proposes a strategy for achieving this translation. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.150512

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