Great Power Perspective towards Afghanistan: India China Creeping Competition in the Heart of Asia


Afghanistan; the Heart of Asia, being located at the cross-roads of tri-regional junction offers a buffer as well as a test case for the Great Powers to showcase & prove their potential. India and China both aspiring for change in their global status positioning, practicing policy of non-interference are having high-stakes in Afghanistan. Although economically engaged both have high considerations for Afghanistan. International community is looking for new stakeholders to assume more responsible role in Afghanistan, how China and India deal with such pressure and foreign policy principles will determine their power status in international system. This paper seeks to locate Afghanistan in India and China‟s domestic and foreign policy. China‟s security reason and its commercial engagement with Afghanistan and India‟s bridge to access and Connect Central Asia policy pave the way towards such understanding. Management of their mutual relation is very crucial for peace in Afghanistan as well as for the entire region

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